Friday, April 28, 2006

Those poor gor gor jie jies...

Avril Jie Jie say that these 2 people are so 伟大. I dunno what she meant, but having to care for 44 stray gor gor and jie jies, I guess they must be very nice people.
I've been living a sheltered life since the day I am borned, so I dunno how it is like for these gor gor jie jies. Avril Jie Jie says that they must be very happy to be living together like a family with 2 good people to look after them. But the thing is that they may soon be sent away or having to go hungry soon cos they have no money. So sad....
Cai cai is willing to part with my treats to them if it helps. Avril Jie Jie, you say leh??

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