Friday, March 31, 2006
Grrr... power
Jie jie was trying to tell me something in her nicest, cute voice but I cannot make out what she meant. Something like "domina.. dog, pro..tuctive, terrotoreal blah blah blah...." So blabberish... How do I understand??
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Bach Flower Remedies for Furkids and Humans
This remedy is often a constitutional one for Irish wolfhounds, which are inclined to be extremely stoical and can be suffering extensive health problems but will still manage to look bright and cheerful and their tail will be wagging. This is a different situation from soldiering on despite pain or illness, like the hound whose heart was tested at a regular session and found to be in such a bad state that it was amazing she could walk, yet she was the coursing champion. That is Oak, but the Agrimony case is the bitch which fell down a cattlegrid and tore her hind legs to ribbons but appeared happy and was wagging her tail and ready to eat before anyone had even noticed the damage. It can be difficult to differentiate between Agrimony and Oak but Agrimony has a lot of torment , restlessness, and worry which is covered up by cheerfulness, and an Agrimony personality will always avoid battles and arguments. Oak personalities are fighters and struggle on no matter what, but are not cheerful and bright about it.
For the dog that is restless, either pacing back and forth, or wandering about, or restless in sleep. It cannot settle: lies down but then is up and wandering about again. For dogs that are anxious to please; for sensitive dogs that are upset by humans arguing or shouting. For dogs that are tearing themselves to pieces with skin irritation; the dog that chews its feet down to the bone, that is frantically chewing or tearing at itself. For the dog that is neurotic from abuse. The virtue of Agrimony is peace of mind.
This is the remedy for unknown fears, insecurity, and phobias. For dogs that are jumpy and nervous but with no obvious focus for their fears. For dogs that won’t leave the house or refuse to go into a certain area or building. The dog that stares nervously into a corner or appears to “see” something when there is nothing to be seen. Anxious anticipation, anxiety, inability to go anywhere alone. Avoidance behaviour. Dogs that have always been fearful and jumpy. For the physical conditions that go with fear and anxiety - uncontrollable urination, trembling, diarrhoea, circulatory disorders, etc. The virtue of Aspen is fearlessness.
This remedy is for intolerance; physical as well as mental and emotional. So, the dog that suffers allergies to foods or environmental allergens such as pollens; or is intolerant of weather conditions such as heat or cold, as well as the dog that is intolerant of change. Always wants everything kept just the same; doesn’t like changes of food, toys, or routine. Won’t accept another animal (or human) joining the household. Oversensitive to sounds and touch; irritable behaviour, always complaining. Snappy and irritable. Dogs that are stiff and can’t relax and that develop arthritis or other joint disorders. The dog that is fussy about food, eating something one day but refusing it the next, having its person cooking up gourmet meals which it then refuses. The virtue of Beech is sympathy and tolerance.
For the dog that is bullied; that is attacked with no warning by other dogs when out on a walk. The dog in a multi-dog household that is down the bottom of the pack heirarchy and always left out and beaten up. For the suckling puppy that is pushed out by its littermates and cannot get enough milk. For dogs that are so insecure they shadow their person and are for ever trying to lick them and press up against them, or gaze at them adoringly. The dog that hasn’t grown out of puppy submissiveness, and dogs that urinate when greeting either a person or another dog. For dogs that seem to have weak immune systems, that are always going down with some infection or are plagued by parasites. Dogs that have become exhausted, or are weak following an illness. Give to any weak puppies in a litter and to the dam if she is exhausted by whelping. For sick dogs that seem to have lost the will to live. The virtue of Centaury is self-determination and self-realisation.
For lack of confidence, approval seeking, easily distracted, difficult to train. For dogs that cannot seem to concentrate on what they are doing, that cannot do a stay when the owner is out of sight; does not seem to take anything in. For dogs lacking in confidence in general, not just lacking confidence over one specific thing, which is LARCH. Dogs which don’t know their place in the pack; dogs which are always looking to others for information as to what they should be doing or how they should be behaving; dogs that copy others’ behaviour. For dogs that cannot relate to other dogs. For dogs with ailments that are difficult to pinpoint and which don’t seem to respond to treatment. The virtue of Cerato is inner certainty.
For uncontrollable behaviour: dogs that become vicious, or which wreck the house or frantically tear their bedding or toys apart, or tear at themselves with uncontrollable chewing , scratching, and licking. Dogs that go berserk or into a total frenzy or panic. For rage syndrome. For bitches that attack their puppies. For epilepsy and epileptiform fits. For incontinence, or other loss of control of bodily functions. For the dog that urinates when excited. For the dog that chases its own tail. Becoming hysterical; total terror. The virtue of Cherry Plum is openness and composure.
For breaking bad habits such as chewing , chasing, jumping up, digging holes. For housebreaking; to change unwanted behaviour instilled by previous owners/trainer. Treatment with the remedy does need to be coupled with re-training. For repetitive behaviour of any kind; for accident- prone animals. For infections and illnesses that keep recurring and don’t seem to respond to other treatment.
For dogs that are always attention seeking, won’t leave their person alone, won’t allow any others to have attention. For the insecure dog that follows its person everywhere, even into the bathroom. For the dog that won’t be left alone; that howls or barks or tears the house or itself to pieces if left. Dogs whose guarding instinct is excessive. Dogs that will do anything to attract attention; those that sulk when they don’t get their own way. Dogs that demand to be fed or taken for a walk. For the bitch that won’t let go of her puppies, that won’t wean them and continues treating them as if they are helpless, cleaning them up and nursing them. In cases of repetitive behaviour, Chicory may be combined with White Chestnut.
For inattentive dogs that can’t concentrate; for dogs that appear dreamy or “spaced out”. For collapse from any cause. For shock when the body is cold to the touch. For loss of consciousness. After surgery to speed recovery. For elderly dogs that appear senile. When a bitch does not care for her young after whelping but seems not to know what is going on and appears disoriented. To help dogs learn in training sessions (combine with Chestnut Bud if they seem unable to grasp what is wanted).
The cleanser. For application to any skin problem, wounds, and abrasions. Use in water for cleansing, and dilute in a spray bottle and spray round the dog and mist wounds or sore or itchy areas, as well as giving orally. For a dog that smells for whatever reason. For dogs that are prone to infestation by lice, fleas, worms. For fastidious dogs that are suffering from diarrhoea, incontinence, etc. and are upset at making a mess in the house. For involuntary defecation or urination for whatever reason, including seizures. For constipation. For coprophagia and pica. For animals that keep eating grass and other plants. For allergies. As a preventative for infection and prior to surgery. Dogs that get their ears fly bitten. For dogs whose coat gets matted. Dogs that lick or chew their feet, have anal gland infection; discharge from eyes, ears or nose; get intestinal gas; that suffer from any condition that affects nerve function and may lead to loss of control of the bowel or bladder. For mange.
Animals that seem overwhelmed by showing, travelling, grooming, nail clipping, other animals/dogs/ children/people, being in an unfamiliar place, being caged or tied up. Puppies that panic when first put on a leash. Bitches that seem unable to cope with motherhood. Dogs that can’t seem to cope with a new home. Dogs that are overwhelmed by illness or stress. Dogs that develop the same ailments as their owners. For bitches when whelping to regularise contractions.
For setbacks and relapses, despondency, lack of interest in life or food, weakness after illness. For dogs that had a bad experience and are now unwilling to try again (as with having been attacked at a show, or upset by a judge, and so on). Bitches that are depressed after losing a litter. For dogs that become discouraged by domestic upheavals or by the loss of an owner or companion. Any dog that refuses to eat. For dogs in congestive heart failure (give with Gorse). For relapses in illness when they seemed to be improving.
For hopelessness and whenever a dog seems to have given up. Not eating. Give following severe injury or surgery. Battling terminal illness; following abuse or abandonment. For bitches that have lost their puppies. Obese dogs that are very lethargic. For apathetic dogs that have lost interest in anything. Works well with Gentian.
For dogs that are attention seekers and will create a fuss if left alone - tearing things up, chewing objects or themselves, being dirty in the house, howling and barking. It is the remedy for loneliness. Dogs that complain a lot and don’t listen to their owners. Dogs that continue after weaning to suck at materials, buttons, other animals, a toy, etc. For animals that are continually circling. For dogs that are kennelled or boarded while their owner/s are away. Works well with Chicory.
For the dog that is bad tempered, snappy, aggressive. The dog that has specific “hates” such as another dog, cats, postmen. Dogs that growl and bite, that fight, can’t get on with each other, chase or attack other animals. For bitches that attack their puppies. For dogs that are jealous - of a new baby, a new puppy, another dog, or the attention someone else is getting. The positive side of Holly is tolerance, so it is useful for any sudden, acute intense illness, acute allergic reactions, sudden high fevers, severe pains and infections with sudden onset.
For homesickness, pining, clinging to the past. For dogs in kennels or hospitalised. For dogs that hate to be away from home, that return to former homes, that pine for a lost owner or companion, can’t settle in a new place (combine with Walnut). Dogs that wait at the door or window for their person to return, or sit at the graveside. Dogs that won’t eliminate or eat when away from home. Puppies or rescue dogs going into new homes. For diminished vital energies as in the case of a long illness, loss of blood, exhaustion after giving birth, etc. For revitalising old dogs.
For lethargy and lack of energy, weakness, weariness. (combine with Olive) For the very shy and timid puppy or dog so as to enable it to face up to different situations (give with Mimulus). To give a boost following illness. For the dog that is only energetic when out for a walk. For the dog whose symptoms are worse in the morning but improve later in the day. For dogs with cancer or slow, weak pulse.
For excitable dogs that are in too much of a hurry to get on, so do not learn during training. For dogs that can’t wait to go out, get in, eat, drink, play, or whatever. For dogs that are very nervy, edgy, uptight. The overly-anxious dog; the dog that is hyperactive and cannot put on weight, or which loses weight readily. For dogs that are easily agitated by noises, sudden movement, lights. For very itchy skin; muscle cramps; epileptiform fits; gushing diarrhoea; irritable bowel; colic; nervous disorders such as trembling, shaking; spinal cord degeneration; Wobblers syndrome. For pain of any kind. For constant chewing.
For increasing confidence; for the dog that has always been one of a pair or group and cannot do anything on its own; for the dog that cowers and tucks its tail between its legs. Dogs that are not happy in the showring; that drag around and keep their head down. For dogs that have been abused or traumatised. For those that are easily intimidated, or those that need coaxing. Dogs that are submissive to other dogs or people. Dogs that have been ill and have lost their position in the pack. Dogs that are always going down with some illness, or are constantly plagued by fleas, worms, etc.
For fear of known things. For fear of gunshots, fireworks, thunder, men, vacuum cleaners, being groomed or having their nails clipped, hot air balloons, aeroplanes, vets, people in white coats, slippery floors, travelling in cars, etc. For phobias. For dogs that are fear biters. For the symptoms of nervousness such as pacing, restlessness, panting, whining, frothing at the mouth, panicking. The dog that runs and hides when visitors arrive. For dogs that will attack when cornered. For heart disorders. For illnesses, especially viral infections, that do not respond to treatment.
For depression that occurs for no apparent reason. For the “hangdog” appearance; the dog that isolates itself and stays put in one place for long periods; abnormal behaviour following pregnancy and for behavioural changes during a heat.
For dogs that never give up, are always struggling to keep up with owner or other dogs despite being ill or in pain. For old dogs that are struggling with debility, stiffness, weakness, and for dogs that keep getting sick and struggle through one illness after another. For dogs with serious disabilities such as spinal degeneration but which still struggle to get about. Dogs that will hunt until they drop. For dogs struggling with serious illnesses such as cancer. To rebuild the strength of dogs that have been starved or poorly fed; have been exposed to extreme weather conditions or trauma; have bone problems such as hypertrophic osteodystrophy. During a long whelping. For loss of bodily control such as incontinence, paralysis, etc.
For exhaustion of any kind - following seizures, a long illness, surgery, a long time on the show circuit or at working trials, agility, etc. For the revitalisation of old dogs. For dogs suffering any debilitating condition. For anaemic dogs. Give with Oak to remedy illness and exhaustion. For dogs with adrenal insufficiency, kidney or heart failure, or the exhaustion of any other organ.
For the dog that looks guilty and cowers when its person is angry. Pine is the “suffering” remedy and restores a positive attitude. For the dog that makes a lot of fuss about pain, and the dog that gets ill from grief or loss. For the dog that is overly anxious to please.
For dogs overconcerned about the children in the family or their own offspring; for bitches that overdo their mothering and won’t wean their puppies. For dogs that are overprotective of their home, owners, a bitch of her puppies. For bitches when separated from their puppies. For a dog sensing impending danger such as being taken to be put to sleep. For the dog that holds vigil while its owner is away. It remedies excessive fear and anxiety about others.
For extreme fear, terror, total panic. For the dog that goes berserk through fear; at any time when there is extreme escape behaviour. For agorophobia, when the dog is terrified about going outside. After an accident, injury, or any terrifying event such as a fire. For dogs that are hyperactive and easily excited. Where a dog shows signs of extreme fear, with shaking, feeling cold to the touch, eyes staring. For sunstroke. For heatstroke with giddiness or unconsciousness. The virtue of Rock Rose is dauntless courage.
For any kind of inflexibility, whether physical or mental. So for stiff joints, lack of flexibility in spine or limbs (it can be massaged into the skin over stiff, painful areas as well as giving orally), or for the dog that hates change of any kind such as a change in routine/feeding times/exercise periods/members of the household. For training problems, or compulsive behaviour such as territorial aggression. For dominant behaviour (for example the dog that is always standing over another, won’t let another dog lie on its bed or play with a toy without taking it over). For lack of adaptability. For self-denial such as bitches giving all their attention to their puppies and not taking any care of their own needs. For stubbornness (this is hounds!). For arthritis.
For any kind of imbalance, whether physical or mental/emotional. For dogs that have problems on one side only (such as one ear with chronic problems). For dogs with illnesses that have a changing, unclear symptom picture; with fluctuation of body temperature, appetite, elimination (diarrhoea, then constipation, then diarrhoea, for example). For motion sickness. For hormone imbalances, such as odd seasons, false pregnances, behavioural changes with or approaching a season. For dogs that have problems with balance; dogs that are clumsy and don’t seem to know what their legs are doing. For dogs that seem confused, disoriented, dithery. This can often happen following seizures, and in older dogs who appear almost senile. For dogs of uncertain temperament, which change suddenly from being loving to snappy; withdrawn to outgoing; ravenous at one time and then not wanting to eat.
As an example, one wolfhound bitch had a chronic sore under the right nostril, her teeth on the right were very dirty while those on the left were clean, her right ear had a chronic waxy discharge while the left was clean, when she strained a muscle it was always in the right leg, and she developed mammary tumours all along the right side. Scleranthus restores balance.
This is the trauma remedy, and for shock of any kind. Give following accidents or any trauma or shock. Star of Bethlehem is one of the essences in RESCUE REMEDY (which see). Give Rescue Remedy immediately following the trauma, at very frequent intervals for a day, and then go on to Star of Bethlehem, with any other applicable remedies, as a longer term treatment. For grief, however far into the past the loss was. This is the case for treating trauma also; even if it was years ago. Dogs which have been subjected to cruelty, neglect, starvation. Rescued strays and dogs that have been abandoned. Birthing trauma. Any illness originally triggered by trauma or shock. For the damage to tissues caused by poisoning. Following anaesthesia and surgery. For bitches that have lost their puppies, and for any dog that has lost a loved person or animal companion. For the shock of suffering extreme cold, or extreme heat.
This remedies extreme anguish, so it is for dogs that have reached the end of their endurance, whether mental or physical. For dogs with a history of cruelty and abuse, or whose physical condition seems hopeless following a long debilitating illness, or following being beaten or starved. For dogs with bloat or colic. For dogs with severe chronic illness/psychological disturbances. For bitches having difficulty whelping. For dogs tearing themselves to pieces with skin conditions or ear problems. For the very highly strung dog that just cannot cope. Sweet Chestnut is the remedy for feeling cornered.
For intense, highly-strung dogs; for dogs that are hyperactive, always on the go, cannot relax; for nervous, jumpy dogs; for exuberant, pushy, excitable dogs that fling themselves on people. For nervous conditions, for animals with bone fractures, for conditions of the nervous system such as CDRM. For rheumatism. The dog that chases cars, is always rushing about; barks continuously.
For the over dominant dog, the bully, the aggressively dominant dog. For any dog that aggressively guards its territory, toys, food, won’t allow its person to get it off a chair or to take something away from it. Dogs that won’t accept other animals and are aggressive towards them. Vine is for dominance aggression, not fear aggression (that’s Mimulus), and the two need to be differentiated. Many dogs that are called dominant are, in fact, fearful. Dominant aggressive dogs are more likely to be confronting in their behaviour, while fearful dogs will only be aggressive when they feel cornered. It should be borne in mind that many cases of aggression in dogs are due to thyroid dysfunction (which see). The virtue of Vine is leadership (dominance is the failing - the opposite end of the scale), so it is worth giving Vine to the show dog to give it the ability to stand out and demand attention.
For any difficulties in adapting to change of any kind. This may include house moves, changes in the family (new baby, departing older children/spouse, etc.), changes in meal times or exercise periods, the humans becoming ill and everything in the household changing to accomodate them, and so on. But it may also include changing periods in the dog’s life - such as weaning, teething, a bitch coming into season, pregnancy, being neutered, etc. Any dog that has had a change of home, or is put into kennels, or has to go on a long journey or be exported, is being hospitalised, needs to become accustomed to a crate, or a show bench, or any other change. Prior to anaesthesia, and when a dog loses a limb or an eye or its sight. Prior to euthanasia. For any condition brought on by change - such as some allergic skin conditions, digestive upsets, and so on. Walnut protects against outside influences such as pollen, housedust, and other allergens, as well as things such as thunderstorms.
The dog that wants to be alone, especially when ill. The dog that won’t integrate into the pack but is always hanging around on the outside. Water Violet remedies grief over the loss of a master, companion, puppy. It also remedies loneliness for the dog left to its own devices for long periods, or confined to a kennel on its own. For dogs that were not socialised properly as puppies and have difficulty now in relating to people or other animals. For the removal of foreign bodies such as thorns, splinters from the skin (give with Crab Apple). The virtue of Water Violet is joy.
For restlessness, preoccupation, sleeplessness. For any obsessive behaviour such as licking or chewing paws, spinning round in circles, tail chasing; chasing lights; flank biting; chewing furniture/doors, etc.; constant scratching or tail lashing; dogs that are restless during sleep, with much twitching and threshing; bitches that are constantly moving around while whelping, and those which keep moving their pups. Helps to calm a dog for a training session. Disorders that repeat constantly, such as allergic disorders that occur every summer, recurrent bouts of pneumonia as in cases of virus rhinitis, or problems such as false pregnancies that occur after every season.
The bored dog that chews and tears up kennel or house (give with White Chestnut); the dog that chews itself (give with either White Chestnut or Agrimony); the dog that was bred or trained for a job it is not being given the opportunity to do. The dog that is aimless and apathetic through boredom and having no direction for its energies. For dogs whose potential never seems to be realised.
For dogs that seem to have lost their spirit; for older dogs that do not welcome the attentions of youngsters wanting them to play; dogs that are confined in a small area; abandoned dogs in shelters or kennels; for dogs that seem to have no enjoyment in life, which seem apathetic, bored and sad. For dogs in a critical condition which seem to be giving up the will to live; for dogs during long term debilitating illnesses such as heart disease. Lacking energy, not wanting to move; a total disinterest in food but with no apparent reason for lack of appetite. For hypothyroidism (given with Crab Apple and Elm)
For resentment. For dogs with problems following surgery of any kind, such as incontinence following spaying; inappropriate urination/defaecation in the house, or destruction of property. Dogs that seem to resent a companion and take every opportunity to try and start a fight; or won’t take to a new baby/spouse/ partner/animal introduced into the household. For disorders where there is an excretion of mucus or pus, such as rhinitis, bed sores, some forms of colitis. For arthritis.
This combines Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem. It remedies shock, stress, tension, distress and restores calm and relaxation. It can be used alongside any other treatment for any crisis such as an accident, surgery, or any trauma whether physical, mental or emotional. It can be used to revive newborn pups, and to treat puppies born by Caesarean Section, which are usually very stressed and constantly wailing. It can be used for resuscitation; after convulsions; to revive dogs slow to recover from anaesthesia; in cases of heatstroke and exhaustion; to help wounds heal; to spray on itchy, damaged skin to reduce the itchiness and soreness; to treat any kind of emergency; to calm dogs which are worried by going in the showring, or by shiny floor surfaces, or going to the vet.
Dosage can be every few minutes; it is impossible to overdose or to do harm. According to “Bach Flower Remedies For Animals” (see Book List), Rescue Remedy has been successfully used to treat torsion in an Irish wolfhound. Rescue Remedy comes in both a liquid and a cream. It can be applied topically as well as orally and the liquid can be rubbed into the gums, lips, skin of unconscious dogs. It is also known as Emergency Essence and Five Flower Remedy, depending on which company makes it.
Call me Fa Cai
She has recently put me onto some Bach Flower remedy that is supposed to help me deal with my fear aggressiveness... Ah dur...
Anyway, do check back. I will ask jie jie to kindly photoshop my pictures soonz~~!